Saturday, January 9, 2010

It can be cold in AZ

Two random pictures....
Everyone is complaining about the cold and snow all over the country...blah blah. We have our own winter troubles here in Phoenix. This is frosty grass, leaving work one morning. Can you believe my car window had frozen frost on it?? I had to sit in the parking lot for 10 minutes until the car got warm enough to melt it off. If that's not hardship, I don't know what is! :)

BRRRR, just the memory of that frigid morning made me cold, so here's a close up of some roses (yes, my roses are still blooming) in my warm house that had just been watered to get the aphids off of them. I would call it a dew drop, but I haven't seen any dew in Arizona. So a real rose, with a fake dew drop:

1 comment:

  1. The lower picture is a technically proficient photograph that demonstrates close-range skill at capturing vivid color and detail.
