Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Creative Imagery

I live in the desert southwest, but if you go to a park, lie down and look up:
I could be on a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific

Then head 1 mile south to another park,

lie down and look up:
and I'm back home on the east coast amongst towering trees and foliage.

It's all in your perspective....

Monday, March 29, 2010


This is a tree from the Hummingbird park that I took pictures at a few months ago. The other day I was sitting with the kids at the park and shooting random pictures. I loved the composition on this one with the sun behind the tree throwing the tree into silhouette. I wish I could say this shot was planned, but it was more of a discovery than a well executed composition.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Headed for Trouble

This railroad bridge is for the small miniature train that gives rides around the park on the weekends. During the weekday, while the train is not running, the favorite activity of the kids is to walk the train tracks all around the park pretending to be trains. One of the thrills is going across the bridge labeled "keep off." I should not condone such rule-breaking behavior, but isn't getting away with small transgressions what childhood is all about? The delinquents: Molly, Sean, and Sean's friend, Timmy

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Desert Spring

It's been warm in Arizona for a while, and we've had a relatively wet winter. Warmth and wet add together for beautiful wildflowers on the mountains. I took these pictures while doing my favorite hike on Tempe Butte, otherwise known as "A" Mountain. They were taken with my cell phone camera, so only about 3 came out post-worthy. Most of the pictures were not nearly as crisp or well focused as they would have been with my Canon. It was so bright, I could hardly see what I was shooting on the display and the cell phone camera has no focus, so backgrounds were in focus, but flowers were blurry. I'll have to get up there with my real camera, but won't be free again until next Wednesday! But for now, here's some of the desert beauty.

This one is not crisp and very pixillated, but I love the composition and will try to reshoot this one with the good camera next week. (if the flowers are still there)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day!

Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day! A sunset captured on the side of a Guinness bottle seemed an appropriate way to mark the day. I have been super lax on this blog, but as with all resolutions, I can just apologize and resolve to do better!