Thursday, January 21, 2010

Capturing Cats

These are some picture of my sister Lucy's kitties. They were patient enough to let me shove a big black camera in their faces and try to capture a bit of their souls. Mine won't let me near them with the camera!

Smurf was all into having his picture taken

Socks was a bit hesitant and shy

Catching those wide eyes without a flash on a moving kitty was tricky business

After a couple of shots, she was shooting daggers at me!

1 comment:

  1. OK, I admit being surprised at your ability to capture animals on film so well. I consider cat pictures some of the most overdone photographic work out there, and thus have a natural tendency to dismiss any more cat photos. However, this series demonstrates a high level of technical sophistication at several ranges, focal lengths and even monotone vs. colorization samples. Your achievement in presenting some of the natural charm, shyness, conceitedness and mystery of catdom is commendable.
